MySql won't work

Also receiving this same error: Unknown database ‘db_Corbarian’

Hello @0xxexaxx0, you need to type mysql without any username or password.

Please check now. I updated your records. @Corbarian


Can you please update mine as well. Same issue. Error 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'db_simplistic ’

User: simplistic



Its done, please try now. thanks

Hi, I also get that message and a permissions issue when I type the full command.

[pcalabro@server-1 ~]$mysql
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database ‘db_pcalabro’
[pcalabro@server-1 ~]$mysql -u pcalabro -p
Enter password: I entered my password here
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘pcalabro’@‘localhost’ (using pas
sword: YES)
[pcalabro@server-1 ~]$

@pcalabro, please try mysql command now. It should work.

Hi, I’m also unable to run mysql with the error “ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database ‘db_cpatt19’”.

Could you update my records please? User: cpatt19

Please try again now.

Hi, I’m unable to run mysql with the error “ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database ‘db_Ana0nash’”, could you please update my records ?

Please try again now @Ana0nash

Hello there. I also can’t make MySQL work for me. I’m also getting the same error as the previous guys (“ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database ‘db_iamjonnmakki’”). Your help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Hello @iamjonnmakki, Can you try now? I updated your records too. thanks!

Have the same issue,

Kindly help.

Thanks & Regards,
GulamGaus Siddiqui.

@GULAMGAUS, I replied to your other thread. please check.

I am also not able to login to mysql. My username is ashishpathak.
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database ‘db_ashishpathak’

Please try again now.

Hi all,
I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as closed. (Just to ensure, previous subscribers don’t get new mail on this one). If you face similar issue please open a new thread. thank you!